Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hi everyone! I am so excited to be joining the world of blogging.  For the last few days I have been engrossed in researching an appropriate name and it seemed everything I came up with was taken.  Atl Mom, Just Mom, Mom2Mom, Mommy2Mommy etc...the list goes on.  I thought they were all brilliant names and I guess they were since they are all being used. Anyway came up with this name and hope it is a winner.  

A little about me - I am an African American mother of 3.  Two boys ages 7 and 24. Yes 24 and yes I know there is an age gap.  My oldest and I met my better half when he was 10 until then it was just he and I.  My daughter is 11 and she is the leader - her brothers do as the princess says, lol.  No middle child syndrome here.  I am 45 about to be 46, have a background in accounting, operations, event coordination and admin.  I spent many many years as the sole provider of our family and always gave 200% to someone else's dreams.  Now it is time for me.  

Recently laid off it has given me the time to really look at what it is I want to be doing career wise as well as really figuring out what makes me happy.  This blog is my journey to find success in life, love and health.  Follow me as I try and find me, raise my family, help my oldest out of the nest, support my other half in his endeavor to be the father and husband he wants to be. 

I will blog about different issues I face as a mother, friend, confidant, provider and lover.  I love to help others, hate to see people treated unfairly, love building relationships, love to give my opinion (probably too much, lol) and love seeing my folks happy.

I have faced a lot of ups and downs in my life, lost people I loved, lived the suburban life and the "hood" life, and dealt with a lot of things I hope my children will never experience.  Where am I now?  I am happy.  Still am not living the life I want but I am working hard to get there.  I am more than just a Mom, I am a woman who loves life…most of the time J

I hope you will join me on my journey to achieve the life I want.  Welcome to Real Mom 2.